Monday, October 31, 2005

.... and slowly, surely, they drew their plans against us......

For the second time in nearly 60,000 years, Mars will is unusually close (35,000+ million miles away) to the Earth and is currentrly visible as a yellow twinkle just above the horizon.....
Now the chances of anything coming from Mars are a million to one.... but still.....
Here's the original Halloween treat.... "The Broadcast that frightened America" as a big fat encode (50+ megs!)... the original Mercury broadcast of "War of the Worlds" with Orson Welles, plus the Lux Theatre adaption of the George Pal film....

1938 - "War of the Worlds"

1955 - "War of the Worlds"

PS. As an added surprise, hear H. G. Wells meet Orson Welles! 'Nuff said!

PPS. Don't forget to stop by and see the Zombie Astronaut (link to the right there...) for more War of the Worlds stuff!
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